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This is what our new Chancellor @ Rachel Reeves has done so far.
Armed Forces Day graphic
Labour will boost careers advice for one million pupils
Labour will end the 8am scramble for appointments
weak, weak, weak
ASMR sewage
A vote for Labour on Thursday 4 July is a vote to clean up our waters and our politics. Change will only come if you vote for it.
Tory *hit show
It is a truth universally acknowledged that only Labour will clean up our waters.
Time and time again, the Tories have lined their pockets while they empty yours. It's time for change.
Rental graphic
Cost of supermarket shop
Do you feel better off than you did 14 years ago?
Labour Will make working people better off
banking hubs
Rishi Liz face merg graphic
First steps economic stability graphic
Rachel Reeves 650,000 new jobs graphic